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I want to share with you some super cool stat sheets that TJ  Strickland very kindly created.

I've added some of my own renders so people can see what they look like. 

Next month there will be a load more coming for the mouslings so you can drop them straight into your games.

Let me know what you think and if you like them. 




That's SUPER COOL! It really helps A LOT!


Hope everyone likes them!

Sebastiaan Babyn

that's a lotta damage for a 1/2 and 1 CR :P Very awesome though, ima use them next time we play irl (covid did a number on our face to face sessions :( )


Awesome indeed, very useful. And yeah the CR might be a bit low for the plague rats


Remember everyone, 5e stats are just a guideline. You can always edit as you need to for your game. If you feel a CR is too low, then raise it a little. :) I did base the CR using the DMG guidelines.


The Plague Priest has a couple of errors - refers to monk instead of priest a couple of times, and is a "himinoid" instead of humanoid. Love them though, thanks for this!


Trembling strike is missing the r and reading as tembling strike. But man, these stat blocks are awesome. Thank you.


I assume these stats are for 5e given the comments, any suggestion on how to adapt for pathfinder or other systems?


These are indeed for 5e. Unfortunately that's the only system I know well enough to make stat blocks for. Not sure if someone else can convert, but there may be conversion tools online.


Well... the conversion things always end up being guidelines, so there is always some tweaking and stuff. I was just wondering if there were any specific recommendations. The 5e statblock is still cool and works as a good starting off point


Yeah I'm not sure how to convert across to Pathfinder. I've played a lot of first edition, but never got to play 2nd.

Zachary Scriff

I actually converted them for pathfinder. I just tacked their special abilities onto the NPC monks and Priests that you can find in the Pathfinder beastiary. As far as the titan goes... Find a beast that is similar to what you want and adjust him accordingly.