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So I have been working on some cute sculpts that might help keep some kids out there entertained while they are in lock down.

I wanted to give them to all you first as you are the ones who support me so you will find a link below to download them :) 

Hope you have fun with them 





Hey, those are adorable, nice job!


Those are great. My kids thank you!


Good on you mate. Thanks


Really love it, gonna awkwardly but amazingly fit in my lizardmen wargames!


Can't wait to print these, they look really nice. I noticed that most of your models come with a scale box, but I don't quite understand what is its puprpose. I was just wondering if you, or someone else, would care to elaborate on that?


I have no idea how I would ever use these, but I love them anyway.


I use the scalebox to help me determine the size of the creature I want to print. First, I scale the box to the desired height. Then I scale the creature so its eyes are level to that height. That way, if it is carrying a raised weapon, have horns, or something else that is above its head, I still get the right scale.


My kids saw these as I was scrolling through your Patreon and DEMANDED I print them ASAP. They're 3 and 5 and it's fun to give them stuff to paint while I'm painting minis


That's great :D I love to hear about the next generation getting exited about Dinosaur's. Hope they have fun painting them