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With the Coronavirus causing lots of people to have to self isolate and with schools being shut down I am releasing a pack of Dino's as a giveaway so people who are stuck at home will have something to do, and kids hopefully wont get too board.

I wanted to release a group of Dino's for free for educational purposes anyway and this seems like a good time. 

If you do get/ have got the virus I hope you're ok

All my best wishes 


Link: https://ln2.sync.com/dl/bcfa8a470/y7atra2s-7a9hqymh-n6qsxy3e-c9q3hn5n




Wow, that's very thoughtful, thank you! Hope you are safe.


Thank you very much. You are a great guy :)


Thanks Duncan! Always fun to add to the toolbox!


Absolutely amazing! I've been banished from work as I'm vulnerable and high risk due to underlying health issues :( Working from home until this whole thing blows over Hope everyone is well


I don't have kids but this is very thoughtful for you to do. Stay safe ✌️

Nathan Bursac

Thanks for all the hard work that you put into these models. There are so much fun to print and paint.


This very generous. Even if I, personnally, have no use for dinos, I really appreciate your civic gesture !

Kyle Howard

Again you surprise me with genuine kindness thank you.


This is fantastic. It will give me something to do with the kids while they are home from school for the upcoming weeks.


My son really loves Dino's!! We haven't been quarantined in this part of Texas yet although I've been hearing talk of it happening soon. Hope everyone is staying safe and doing well. Thanks Duncan this is very generous of you.


I'm trying to think if there is something else I can make for people but mostly kids who don't like Dino's :)


Thank you Duncan and I hope you and your family are safe and doing well.


A cat and dog perhaps? All kids like those, and they're also in a lot of tabletops. 🙂

Alan Crooks

Thanks Duncan - very thoughtful