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Also coming out next month will be 3 dwarves with double handed axes and 3  dwarves   with double handed hammers :) 



Richard Mellow

Very nice, titan forge are also releasing dwarfs next month, I guess I will be painting a lot of beards in February

Roto le Snow

Between these and Epics N Stuffs' dwarves I'm gonna have me some stout forces


Any way to get axes, picks, etc not just mauls? Nvm, read the description :)


Haha yeah there will be a lot of Dwarves this month coming. Crossbows, rifles, great axes, hammers and Miners with picks :D


Will the paladin tier be receiving dwarf stl’s for February?


I honestly love how sturdy your models are. I struggle with other peoples sculpts because they go for too much fine detail and the print either ends up too flimsy and breaks or it just plain doesn't print right. Somehow you always manage to find the balance between detail and structural strength. Truly love your work Duncan. Worth every penny!