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Spinosaurus and Carnotaurus will also be out next month.

These are the last of the Dino's from the Dino bundle I did.

I originally, as many of you will know sculpted the Dino's as a Kickstarter, but decided I wanted to give them away as a extra each month to Patrons.

I'm thinking about after the Dino's have ended doing something slightly different.

I've had it suggested to me that it would be cool to release past months Patreon releases to Patrons along side the normal releases. I would be interested to hear what you all think about the idea. 



Joey D

Aye, maybe the older models could be revisited in some way... an extra option or something that way it's still kinda new Also obviously a month's releases should be majority new stuff, with only a couple of the older files :)


That's why I was suggesting these would be on top of the normal releases. So I would carry on releasing the normal new stuff each month, but these were going to be in addition to that stuff. Maybe it's not such a good idea.

Joey D

Oh aye for sure Maybe just a singular vote then, for anything that has come before... same as you do for the monthly freebie... but for patrons only (and a slightly bigger choice...) :) It's a tough one for sure, how to not piss off your previous backers, and still reward everyone fairly :\

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

I applaud this idea. Seeing as how this wouldn't take away anything from new releases but only give an added bonus to those that don't have them there are only positives as far as I'm concerned.


Personally, I would love some of the old models from before I was a Patron.


Pleistocene mammals would be cool too! Cave bear, smilodon, glyptodon, mammoth, mastodon, ground sloth... the list goes on. 👍🏻


I loved the donos would love to see more. How about adding modular poses to a few of the older scuplts.


Yeah I don't want to upset existing Patrons especially the ones who have been kind enough to support me from the start. Thanks for the ideas Joey :)


Is that modular poses of older Dino's or modular poses of other sculpts like the goblins, dwarfs etc?


either way both would be good ideas, although modular goblins etc would be easier to do


I was thinking of older scuplts, but modular dinos.... that would be awesome!


I would love model from before I was a patron as well.

V Verdouw-Olges

What about making more dinos? I am going to be running a sorta Victorian Dinosaur alternative universe type table top RPG, and love that I have so much variety in a similar style for the dinos you've made so far! Personally I'd love to have a sculpt of an Ornithomimus/Galliminus type, as well as a therizinosaurus. What about making the trike model modular, and having different ceratopsian head options? ( kosmoceratops and nasutoceratops are ones I'd love to see in particular) Same thing with hadrosaur types, you could use the existing parasaur/edmontosaur body, make the head modular, and offer some new options like lambeosaur, corythosaurus, etc. The same could be done for theropods, an allosaurus head option, cryolophosaurus, etc. Another idea, some saddle/houda/cart options for the existing sculpts to use them as mounts/beasts of burden? I love your dinos so much! Please make more! <3 <3 <3 <3


I was still planning on doing some fantasy dino's. So armoured ones, saddles stuff like that.


Yeah past releases is really nice side bonus for people just joining, I personally did enjoy the dino's since they go well with pathfinder. The discounts you give out for your store is very nice also in case I need something quick, which having past releases as a bonus ever month is quite nice. More mid range stuff such as CR 8-12 monsters would be really awesome. Have you thought about doing God's for Pathfinder 2? I know they are really niche but just some idea's.


Love me some dinos! Need more!


I'm not sure I would do the God's for Pathfinder 2 as I don't know how many people would want them. If I was going to do something like that I would probably start with the Arch fiends or maybe other better know God's like Thor etc. It's a cool idea though


Yay! So excited for Carno this month. One of my fav dinos!


I know I am late to the party but would love some of the older models filtered in. Love your work, very exciting!