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Just posted a new poll over on facebook for a new giveaway if you would like to vote you can here.

You can also vote on over at facebook if you like  so Patrons can get double votes :) https://www.facebook.com/shadowminiatures/ 



really hope 1 wins, this would go great with the artisan guild beholder (once your players kill it)


Thanks for posting on Patreon too!

Joey D

#4 is already in the starter pack guys, so we all here already have it

Wally Morán

We need more female cyborgs around here!


Could really use a fire giant to go with the dreadnaught. I've already bought the hill giant from the shop, be great to beef out the team 😁

Joey D

lots of votes on #4 ... We already have it guys... >.< haha

Wally Morán

I know, I know, she's on the printer pipeline, just wanted to say there's no enough female models aroun here, and Iwish there were more :)

Will Hoff

So orcs won? :) :)


which is sad, so many orc models, some of the others have no representation at all


Yes looks like the orc won :) I'll sort out a new giveaway code for them before the end of the month :)


@Tim There are a lot of orc models but my orcs are one of my best sellers in the store so they are defiantly popular still. What would you like to see sculpted?