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As a lot of you expressed that you really like extra weapon options with figures, next month will see a Rat folk Shaman and Leader with a lot of extra bits (they will all interchange with each other) and will also come as a few single piece whole sculpts as I know a lot of people like figures that way too ;) 




Fantastic, love the modular approach, adds huge value. Thank you!


Is it modular to the point that the hands socket into the arm so that it can be swapped out mid combat? I modularized my hydra with magnets but that required drilling it out which would be much harder here.


They have ball joints so you would have to drill them out to use magnets if you wanted to swap out mid combat.


I love how you design models with different item options. It would be awesome if you did a bunch the same size of let’s say humans. All different torsos, heads and weapons/shields so you could create a whole custom army! Also really happy I signed up for your pateon! The Balors alone make it worth it! Printed three, two base ones and one were I took the items from model 2 and put them on model one!


Awesome!! Variants!!


Thanks man!


much love for the options your bringing out for the latest sculpt


Any chance we could get a shield to fit this style


Van you had a flag for one of them. It would be awesome to have some standard bearers in the lot.


I'm loving the Rat folk, any chance we'll see armored warriors?


I've signed up just for these awsome modular ratfolk! Please, continue your good work! Release more modular figures, these are great to add variability!


Yeah I'm really pleased I listened to Patrons and started doing modular. I'm planning on doing more of my sculpts like this in the future as people seem to really like them :)


Love to modular options. Keep’em coming! My printer can’t keep up but I don’t care. ;-)