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New sculpts coming out in October as part of that release. 




These are fantastic! If only there was a way for them to ride the plague toads.... (hint hint 😀)


Thank you :) That's a really good idea and to my shame I hadn't thought of it. I don't even know why it slipped my mind :D


These are amazing. My group is about to go into a mind flayer hive and all the tentacley monsters perfectly round out the theme

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

Well, that looks decidedly Nugleific! I second the motion that they would do well with some bouncy mounts :)



Richard Mellow

fantastic sculpts. Any chance of doing rider legs so we can put these guys on the plague toads?


your plague stuff is awesome, your goblins are awesome,,,,, how about some plague goblins?


Very fine piece of art. Maybe in contrast to all wicked creatures You could consider something tottaly different - like High Elves or Mermaids? :)


Yasss! Spider riders and cavalry in general are awesome way to go! Boar riders would also be super nice! Also, those nurgle demons are really gross! They are excellent addition to my collection! Love em! <3


It would be nice to do something bright and not evil looking. I'll add them to the list :)

Ashley Beech

How about a giant big fat plague demon...

Ashley Beech

I would love to see your take on a greater plague demon. Their are some nice ones from creature caster and others, but I've not seen something that's printable..


I did a alternate head for one of my demons at the request of Patrons you might like. https://www.duncanshadow.com/product-page/nalfeshnee-alternate-head


Someone in my group is starting to do nurgle daemon allies to his death guard. He's having me print the "nalfashnee" and he'll be excited to see these

Eric Griffith

All that plague stuff is just begging for some gunslingers to put a .45 long Colt round through their eyes (a la Shadows of Brimstone / Deadlands) hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge, know whadda I mean??? :)