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More trolls coming out in next months release. 

These are currently being test printed to make sure they are the best they can be for you all and will be coming in 3 ways.

1 whole

2 split for resin printing (organic joints as requested)

3 split for fdm printing

This will take me a little longer but will mean you will all have the most flexibility when printing to get the best possible results. 



Kamron Duncan

Thank you whoever ask for organic joints!! And thank you Duncan for making them!


Is the default orientation that shows up when imported into an app (Cura for example) what you and your test printers determined to be the best? They often show up on their back, but I've historically had a little better results rotating them to be standing upright in a lot of cases.

Kamron Duncan

It’s Probably just the direction he models


Great! Thanks Duncan.


So great. Thank you

Richard Mellow

really good lucking models


Yeah like Kamron said below. The orientation will be changed from Zbrush to what ever program you open it up in. I would always recommend orienting it to what works best for you and the sort of printer you are using.


These trolls look awesome! On aside I have no clue what organic joints mean


Moar Trolls! These look so good. (^_^)

Florian Wortmann

They are gorgeous, I wonder if they work in 10mm as well?


The sort of joints I've been doing for a lot of my figures appose to the more traditional square joints. I can't remember who, but a Patron first coined the term organic joint so I started using it as well :)