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Also coming in August the two starspawn :) 




Awesome work, man. More Lovecraftian stuff every now and then would be great - including Lovecraftian type NPC's if that takes your fancy ;)


I second what Danny said, I can never get enough Mythos related stuff :)


These are disgustingly brilliant 😊

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

Anything Lovecraftian gets a thumbs up from me :) Any plans for a winged version of these at some point?


Those almost look support free!😁

Sam Kay

Very cool! I might paint them up to look a bit plant-like.

Yellow Sign Studio

I want them to have my babies, literally, just take them as a sacrifice...

Ryan Thompson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-03 11:54:35 These are amazing. I immediately had the idea to implement these into my D&D campaign as a form of illithid brute spawned by the hive to act as muscle when needed.
2019-08-01 09:19:14 These are amazing. I immediately had the idea to implement these into my D&D campaign as a form of illithid brute spawned by the hive to act as muscle when needed.

These are amazing. I immediately had the idea to implement these into my D&D campaign as a form of illithid brute spawned by the hive to act as muscle when needed.