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Another race coming soon. The first Rat folk will be part of next months ( August ) release. As always if you have any suggestions let me know in the comments.

Also  the Chimera won he poll, so I have made a start on it and will post a wip soon. 




Make them a little more sewer rat and have the shields be repurposed manhole covers. Also crossbows slung on the back would be wikid.


I also hope for Rat alchemists monks in the future

Joe Kushner

There are some great shaven assassins with cloaks, poisoned weapons, and tails with knives. Masked of course.


How do you mean sewer rat? You thinking more disheveled and mangy with patchy of fur, some thing like that?


In the stories of "fafhrd and the grey mouser" by Fritz Leiber the rats live in the sewers under the city of lankhmar and have been building there own model houses and plotting for generations the downfall of man. A mix of Nobel and the urchins you described would bring some classical fantasy to life.

Pablo Ortega

They look great! I can't wait to pull them off the build plate!


these are fantastic, any chance for these mounted on giant rats?


Those look great. I am so disappointed that I didn't join up on this sooner. I was wondering, would it be possible when making certain sculpts, to have a hand with a hole so weapons could be changed?


I’d still love that town crier bud if you get the chance 👌 Top work again


I could do but it can make figures a little fiddly. I've been doing new weapons as different sculpts so far. Would you be more interested in having one pose but with interchangeable hands, something like that?


do you think you could toss in a couple of gopher folk too?


They are, just not in the wizards of the coast licensed material. They are displayed in the tome of beasts by Kobold Press. I’ll see about sending you a pm of a snapshot

Ross Connell

I’d love to see a Fire Giant Dreadnought, would be insane!


Thanks Daylan. Found it, and added it to my wish list. I'll be adding this to my rpg collection soon :D


awesome. Also appreciate the forward curving blades the one on the right has. It's a cool design we don't see enough of.