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Another sculpt coming in this July's release is this injured Hill Giant.

It was suggested to me by a Patron about doing injured versions of some of the Higher challenge rating creatures. This way they can be added into lower lever campaigns with out causing a tpk. I thought this could be a awesome idea and so I was planning on doing a injured Balor next month and if you all like the idea I will add in a few injured versions of the bigger monsters every few months. 




Damn, I love this idea! Nice


It's a simple but phenomenal idea!


Very cool! Love the idea! Ps: do we have this giant without wounds?

Mark Gladman

Also cool option to swap out once the bastard is bloodied, love this idea and keen to see more.


Yeah this is based on the original Hill Giant that came out, I think almost 2 years ago now :)

Florian Wortmann

This is a bit like Hagrid's brother - so scared.

Richard Gallerno

Can't wait to paint this giant to look like a gory mess. Some of those wounds look like they might be infected...


Thats a wonderful idea! Although I feel sorry for the big guy...


He’s so sad!

Tucker Loper

I love the idea, this is a great way to throw those big bads in without killing the party. Although, that kinda takes the fun out of it haha


And then end up with a hill giant puppy, (although a puppy might have a higher intelligence) and then the hilarity will flow :D