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The first set of Kobolds will also be coming out in next months release. These are just some basic ones, but I'll expand on the range with more elaborate armor and weapons, shamans etc. 




Can't wait!!!

Ray Dwigans

I want to see pots and pans for helmets I mean they are scavengers LOL


Are they kind of dragon/lizard like? Wouldn't have imagined a kobold to be a Reptile. More like a gremlin

Pablo Ortega

These are the best Kobolds!


Love em... I think these have been on the back burner for over a year, and they look like they been worth the wait.


They look great


It's beautiful.


Kobolds! Yaaaaaay!


I know I've been wanting to start these for so long now :D I'm looking forward to fleshing out the range now.

Greg Kourakos

really nice Duncan! Looking forward to building a full Kobold army for my D&D group to battle!

Greg Kourakos

Kobolds have sorcerors, Elders (who rule) and also like to use Slings for ranged attacks. Would love 3 ranged slingers one month, 3 sorcerors the next, 3 Elder Kobolds (fancier gear and armor) another month, and last not sure how to do this, they like to set traps, so maybe a set of Kobold "trappers" (not like Davey Crockett, regular gear!) that are holding or setting traps down (maybe a version of a bear trap, maybe one setting some kind of spike?). Then of course the last thing, a set of dead kobolds :) Of course adding another set or two like the one you just made, maybe with daggers or short swords, would be a good addition also




yes, we ran in to gang of kobold inventor/"specialist" in the DragonQueen campain, the have crosbolts, but also bad with volitale viles and little cages with skunks as special wepons


Add Kobolds with Crossbows.....a simple bow or Crossbow and those little guys go from mildly annoying to deadly

