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Here is a image of the Balor coming out in Mays release. I'm working through splitting it up and doing test prints now :) 






Wow love! Consider an adjustment to the tips of the wings, make that last bone a little elongated/sharpened


Balor? More like Baller!


I would love to get hil without the wings also...don’t get me wrong, he looks amazing, but without wings I might even get to use him 😜


My God this is amazing!! If you need testing I got you on FDM;)


That is one bad ass figure. Can't wait for May


Stylistically I think that's a great idea, but I was worried it might not print so well. The test print wing I have done has come out well, so I might see how far I can push it in future sculpts.

Critical Crafting

Love it...alternate pose idea (chanting) fire Whip! Lightning sword! Fire whip! Lightning sword!


This is amazing man! I was wondering if it would be a lot of effort to include an option to print it without the wings


Totally agree, this guy could be in so many amazing poses with amazing accessories.

Pablo Ortega

This is probably, in my opinion, the best Balor Demon I have seen.

Josh Helton

I love this model. This may be the tipping point to get me to finally buy a resin printer. FDM just doesn't work for minis.


Resin printers are great, but I've been getting good results on my flashforge finder, especially with bigger prints like this one. I'll post up some images soon :) It is great fun having both sorts of printer though


I printed this off and I loooove it but its too big for a mini haha What should I scale this to to be dimentionally accurate?


Glad you like it :) I'm not sure what you mean by dimentionally accurate, but If you want to a scale it down I would recommend you decide how big you would like it to be say to the eye level. Open up the whole version in your slicer. Most slicers have the function to scale in both mm and %. Scale it to the size you want in mm and see what % that is. Then use that % to scale the other parts so they all fit together still. Hope that helps and answers your question.


It does! Just printing it again now :) I will be using the original as a display piece as it is such an amazing piece!