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Here is a render of the first dwarfs.

I thought I would start with some basic slayer type models, with plans to do heavy armoured versions, miners, Character classes, bear riders and other weapon options in the future as well. 




Hell yea! I am playing a Dwarf Cleric in my D&D game so happy to see the Dwarves coming along (although I know Dwarf Cleric sculpt is a long shot away)


I do have plans to start concentrating on getting more of the character classes done, and a Dwarf cleric is a bit of a must :)


Can you make female dwarves with mutton chops? Just feel that they shouldn't have a much facial hair.


have you ever considered doing an npc sculpt, like barmaids, bar tenders, black smiths, stuff like that


Nice work Duncan! I love the personality in these guys.


Yes it another one of those ranges I've been wanting to get round to doing for a while. It's just trying to find the time with all the other things I want to sculpt for you guys :S :D


Wow I just became a patron but I just happened to be looking for some good dwarf models. Can't wait to see more!


Will these be available for April's patrons or when will these be ready you think :)?


Hey Duncan, LOVE the fact that you are working on dwarves now!!! Question, in addition to bear, could you also do "Large, armored Battle Ram" both with or without rider for the dwarf series? I think your take would be amazing.


Now these are just what i need


Druids 💙 need druids


I've not been keeping up, but just popped on and noticed these stunning dwarfs..... My d&d character was a dwarf, followed by my first 3rd edition WFB army... They are my favourite fantasy race, way better than those pointed eared chaps, and I had noticed a rather lot of those green skins of recent times (which are amazing, I'll grudging agree 😉) These look brilliant and fitting of being called a dwarf, I'll be printing each and everyone that comes my way as soon as I get them. Thank you very much. I'll just chime in about the subject that's not openly talked about with other races..... The ladies have beards... There I said it, they just don't get out much.... Not saying I won't like yours if you happen to do them 'wrong' 😳😏


You know to my shame when I first started collecting WFB I didn't really like the Dwarfs that much (and I had a High Elf army) but over the years they have grown and grown on me. I think DnD helped with that too. Don't know why I didn't like them to start considering they have such charm and are a really interesting race.


Sorry for the late response, I was in a similar position with high elves. I did up with an army of them, but after cheesing an entire edition of WFB with them (went from barely winning with them through one edition, to never losing a game after it changed) so I got bored and went back to stunties. Although, whatever the last edition before they reset to AoS, that all magic edition my group just couldn't play it. So my fantasy armies all went. I've a fairly large AoS Stormcast army, cause I'm a gamer so I'm actually a fan of AoS and so are a lot of people because WFB wasn't making money AoS is. I get the arguments, well at the start, but AoS is in its 2nd edition and people need to move on. But back to stunties, love'um can't wait to see what you can produce for arguably the best race!! 😉 "I'm commander Shepherd and these are my favourite race in fantasy"


I can see why GW created AoS, like you say WFB wasn't making any money. A load of my friends are getting in to it now, they are all die hard 40k fans. I'm planning on putting together a little force too. I hear a lot of the WFB fans have gone over to 9th age now.


AoS kind of influenced 8th edition 40k, so I can believe a lot of 40k players trying it or returning to fantasy to see how good it is. Kings of War made a good job of hoovering up a fair few WFB peeps, as they released a forgotten kingdoms book?! 9th age did a kickstarter with possibly the worst figures I'd seen in a long time. I'm old enough to remember mini-figs, not as flat as those days, but they looked like a step back in time. When you can 3d print your own figures, admittedly from great artists like yourself, that have details from this age then you really need to look at yourselves and say why??