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Nalfeshnee sculpt coming out beginning of November. 

Continuing the Demon range. I thought this one would work well as a Great Unclean one stand in too.  



Ben Schmidt

Keep these up! Best versions out there ever




This will make a very good GUO! Love the fungas-y touch to the staff.


Love the body not too keen on the head. Would love to see a plague bell staff or a pestilent great sword strapped to its back.


Love the body not too keen on the head. Would love to see a plague bell staff or a pestilent great sword strapped to its back.


I agree with Rick here, the body is awesome (!!), but I am also not so keen on the head. Would it be possible to make an optional head that was more deamonlike to fit more the daemon theme? I am definitely going to print this and use it as a GUO anyways though : )


Just asked Rick above but would like to hear your thoughts too, what don't you like about the head? Would you wont a more GW stile head?


When I first read the post I viewed it as a GUO thinking it should fit into a 40k perspective. From that viewpoint I don't think the head conform with my (subjective) idea of deamons, and that idea of daemons is formed mostly from GW and 40k as you suggest : ). Although, rereading the post (and searching for what a Nalfeshnee is) I think the model definitely fits the intended purpose. I think you could catch a larger audience by doing small alterations on models like this. Small alterations is quite valuable from a wargaming perspective, where we often have many models of the same type. I could see this as a daemon prince, and those I plan on running several of =P


You recon maybe doing a head more like a GUO or Plague bearer sort of look then would work better for you?


It's not that I dislike the sculpt of the head it's more the fit with the rest of the model. I'd find use with this as a GUO stand in and I just think that a more traditional head would fit this particular aesthetic. I'd probably use this model as a stand in for cor'bax utterblight. Or something along those lines. Would love to see an armoured version or one with a great weapon slung on his back.


For my usage that would be perfect :) I also agree with Rick above, that it is more about the aesthetic of the model as whole than the sculpt of the head itself. Especially if used as a GUO or cor'bax utterblight.

Jim "Wilmanric" Pacek

Love this and I've printed it -- I just can't quite figure out how/where to attach the wings. Can you post a pic that would give guidance? There don't appear to be slots where the wings easily attach... Thanks in advance!


Yeah the wings have been cut so they should be able to be glued to the back. I didn't do location points for them so people could easily leave them off, as that was requested by a few people. I'll do a render of that area showing were they should sit.