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Some more terrain coming out this month coming too. 

I started these a while ago now for you all, and then got carried away with sculpting other stuff and forgot about them. Sorry about that.  However  they will be coming out in the next release. 

I'm going to have them as solid sculpts and split up so if you have a smaller printer bed like me you could still print them nice and big. 




You’re such a considerate designer! Thanks :)

Florian Wortmann

This is great. I hope we would get more Mushrooms as well.

Mini Manatee

Wow these are great!not sure of the scale looking at the images, but they can be resized either way - I see them as great additions to bases for flying miniatures etc


F#'n Yeah baby!


I have scaled the split versions so the taller pillars are 200mm high, but like you said easy to rescale them to suit your needs :)