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I've done some more work on the cannon golem.

@Kenneth Is this more to your liking? I think it looks less sci-fi and more iron golem like now. 

I was also thinking it could do with open hand options and maybe one holding a anker to give it a more pirate feel?     




I love the open hand feel, I'd love to see a chainsaw or drill lol


I would love to see different arm options for this golem if you split up the arms (like you tend to do for bigger models). Cannon, sword, fists, open hands, and even anchor like above. Would all be awesome!

Tomas Ingvarsson

Love the body, but i'd like some other weapons , the sword-arm feels a bit big :)


This is VERY close to a Warmachine Warjack. Was that intentional? I like the idea of alternate arms to customize. Fun Idea.

Matthew Caron

Yes on the hand options. I think minigun, flamethrower, and some type of motorized saw.


When I started no, but as I was sculpting it was going more and more that way, and as I've had people ask if I could do my take on a warjack I just went with it.