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Hey guys I've been thinking about adding a higher tier to my Patreon page that would allow people to sell prints of my sculpts and would like to see what you think. 

I was planning on setting it at $20 a month and they would get everything the paladin level would get, plus the rights to sell prints.

I was planning on having a stipulation that they would have to let people know that the sculpts were done by me and that I have a Patreon page. What do you think?

Separate from the Patreon thing I was also thinking about letting anyone sell prints from my Gumroad page, Patron or not, but again with the same stipulation and the request that they give 10% of any profit to charity.

I would welcome any thoughts from you guys :) 



I agree with everyone here, and this could be another avenue of funds like you were asking about for thoughts about last month. This could really benefit all parties, I've been using your prints as Christmas presents, and gifts welcome people who are timid to throw dice, so even if they lose they walk away with something cool


What I would love to be allowed to do, is print for my friends, get a little extra so I can buy some extra filmanet for myself, and also give you a cut for the great models. I wouldn't expect to print all that many for my gaming friends, so $20 a month is steep. And, I would also like to give you a cut since that seems like the right thing to do.


An alternative would be models which are purchased separately. As in you provide either a concept or sketch, a small group collects or pays a fee, you sculpt an they can produce for sale. Kind of a commission type program. You set a price and folks buy in. If you don't reach the goal, no sculpt. If you need 10 people at $20 and you get 20 responses, then better profit for you and incentive to complete. This way folks are only paying for the model they want.


The major issue I see with doing this is regulation and keeping track of licensed resellers, someone obtains a resale entitlement sells some prints on ebay how do you ensure the conditions of the licence are upheld? It's all very well relying on Honesty... however when money is involved it's very easy for "some" to "forget". (And I'm being diplomatic). IP ownership and protection is a royal pain in the Arse and there is always some little oik waiting to take advantage. Although I commend the idea in principle I think Implementation would need a system to protect your Creation and the licensee's investment.

Yellow Sign Studio

I think you are in the ballpark with pricing, definitely not too steep, especially for someone running a farm of printers that has a market, as one Thingiverse artiste I know of commissions at 5% for resellers. So I think you are definitely in the right pricing lane. Otherwise, as much as I'd love to jump onto the bandwagon and be a reseller (not right now and money is not thing for me) I'd definitely heed warnings toward protecting your IP to the extent reasonably possible. How you do that is another question you seriously have to consider. Lots of valid points above.


So far I have given away some models (thus were a personal loss of wealth), each time I directed them to your designs. I have thought about sales, but have not (because I respect copyright), but I know some people interested. I can think that perhaps in several months when you have a huge range of models then it would become profitable for $20 a month... but right now your range is not cost effective except for printing very large models.


Sounds like a great idea. Something I'd definitely be interested in looking into. Lots of good points made, but i think this community generally is very supportive and would follow any stipulations you had in place. Do you have the option to remove a patron from following you if you wanted, or down grading them if you didn't want them following at the seller tier?


Interesting idea. Honestly if you did add that in I'd probably chip in for it :P I especially like the whole charitable donation idea. I'm going to be starting a "hub" for a gaming group I'm in soon so the more high quality models I can get permission to sell the better.


That's a interesting thought. I'm not sure Patreon would be the best place to do something like that but that's definitely some food for thought.


Yeah this is a worry. I guess if I do limit the number of people I could advertise on my website that these are the licensed sellers. I have to say it was a little sary putting any of my stuff out there as digital files just because of the worry someone will take advantage, but I guess it's not really any different from 2d artists and musicians putting their stuff out there. Thanks for your thoughts


Yeah It always a worry with ip. I'm super glad I jumped on Patreon though, you guys are all amazing. Just having you all to bounce ideas off of and get your thoughts on things is invaluable, it's so helpful.


yeah that's a good point, I imagine as the range grows and it becomes easier to run whole campaigns or field whole armies, it would have more value to sellers.


Yeah this community is really great :D I'm so appreciative of all the support you guys give me. I don't think I can downgrade people but I can remove people.


Thanks for all the feedback guys. Loads of really good ideas and interesting thoughts for me to ponder.


If you go the gumroad route , the 10% donation would be impossible i think to police and therefore you open the door to the unscrupulous who then devalue anything paid by those who are genuine resellers.I am a licenced reseller for a few companies but more and more I see unauthorised people selling stuff and the I.P. is in a weak position to enforce.We are entering a new area of commerce and as usual the quickest to respond are those happy to steal from others,Thingiverse is plaguearised to death


My Idea for the gumroad stuff was just that as I'm giving it away, if I let people sell the prints at least some one would be making money from the work I had put in, and it would totally be up to the people selling whether they wanted to give any money to charity, but hopefully some would, and those sculpts might do a little good. Your totally right though. It's interesting times we are moving in to with this new area of commerce.


I'd support you if you move forward with this idea. I like the idea of limiting the number of licensee's and you should also receive a royalty from each sell.


I'm all for it, not that I'm going to do it. It's bad enough doing the odd things for mates as it stops me printing my endless queue, and being British gotta love a queue ;) it's all been said cover your IP but I'm sure the crowd on here know the lay of the land. I like the charity idea, but I think it should be a bit like humble bundle, bit for the charity, bit for you the Dev, bit to cover the costs and then whatever the printer wants?