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Hi Everyone I thought I would let you all know about some of the stuff I've been working on and am planning on releasing going into the new year.

First off I would like to say a massive thank you to you all for supporting me and helping me on this adventure. Your support and encouragement have made this so much fun and it really inspires me to want to sculpt every hour of the day. 

When sculpting I find I do my best work when I can jump about working on multiple sculpts at a time. This means I always have multiple sculpts at different stages of completion. So I thought I would let you all know what stuff I'm currently working on and you should be expecting to see over the year coming :)

I have sculpted a ogre base this has been converted in to a Oni and I'm planning on doing a range of different Ogres and Onis including a Oni mage.


more Dinosaurs also planning on doing demonic, undead and pack animal versions.

More tanks mobile atilary, Chaos dred and blote drone, vindicator. 

several different bases. Cracked earth, pipes, lava / marsh etc 

animals, spiders, insects. 

I've been working on a new mousling base so I can do more of them and they will be easier to print, I also want to do some squirrel versions.

Female tiefling bust

I found a old sculpt I started of a Warg that I will finish off for you guys and maybe do some hell hounds as well.

A set of reinforced barricades and gun emplacement. 

Female hill giant and kids.

More demons and devils. Been working on a Accuser devil and a Atropal.

These are all the bits I've started I also have a ton of other stuff I want to sculpt, often thanks to you guys and your great ideas :)

Moving in to the new year I'm planning on doing more paintoverers of my sculpts and producing 2d printable stand ins. I thought this might be handy so people can quickly print off figures if they haven't got time to 3d print stuff. 

So to summarize moving in to a new year I've got lots of things to get on and sculpt for you all. There will be lots more fantasy stuff coming, larger figures, with a few sci-fi bits each month. As well as more 2d stand ins (if people like them) 

Thanks again for making 2017 a great year.

Looking forward to the new year Kind regards Duncan 


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