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Vanilla looks at her selfie and then looks up to the mirror. 'Are they always this big??' she wondered... She also thinks that its time to get her butt to the gym...

Hello everyone! I miss all of you! 💕💕
Thank you so much for being really patient with me and always looking forward to seeing new Vanilla drawings 🥰 

I apologise for my absence as I needed to take care of some things and rest in between this piece. I really wanted to improve my work more so I took more time to refine it but sadly, this is the best I could do for now /😭// I still learned a lot and hope I will plan my drawings better next time!
Now I have rested enough, I'm doing my best to get my ass back on the grind and make more stuff for you guys! I've inserted some wips in this post hehe🤭 to make up for my absence the past few days!





BELLY SNUG Welcome back c: Hope you had a good rest

Pantheon Eve

Glory to Vanilla's breasts! 🍼🍼🍼🍼