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I'm going to have each page be a separate post and link them together like my CYOA's :3

This is a sort of collaboration commission with Jinou (little wolf), where we both pitched into the story and volunteered a character.



Jet Laudir

Wonder where this is gonna lead to 👀 Gotta say, I love semi-unwilling/reluctant preys like possibly this scenario


We wanted to give Jin a chance to escape/make a choice in this scenario &gt;:3 we thought it would make it even more fun + toying with prey &amp; making games of things (that shouldn't be games) is what Lirus loves to do xD


What an absolutely cocky dragon~ I'm loving this so far, and I can't wait to see more!


Dragon sized nose boops are too powerful of an existence... That nerd Jin crying over a book, what a dork :p