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Q: What's the Commission Club?
A: The "Commission Club" is a collection of limited Patreon tiers with consistent access to commission slots as part of the tier perks:

- VIP tier ($50 USD/mo)
- MVP tier ($80 USD/mo)
- Lord tier ($160 USD/mo)
- #1 Supporter tier ($200 USD/mo)

Q: Why do people join these expensive tiers?
A: The Commission Club tiers cater to heavy commissioners. These tiers are for patrons that value higher quality artwork as well as priority, attentive service.
They like the freedom to ask for a commission slot hold at any time and enjoy having the option to offset their commission price with monthly vouchers they earn, called "tickets".

Q: So patrons who are part of those Commission Club tiers can technically request a commission slot from you anytime?
A: That's correct. 
There are some limitations however.
For instance, I currently have only 3 - 4 commission openings per month and serve 8 - 10 Commission Club tier  members.

Sometimes commission slots fill quickly, and other times I have a vacancy.
If a month is full, I give the option to hold a commission slot for the next upcoming month.

Q: I'm a Commission Club patron. How do I grab my commission slot/s? 
A: To ensure accessibility for Commission Club members, each individual can "hold" a maximum of two slots, one per month.
If I'm already working on a commission for that individual, the active piece counts as one slot. In this case, they'd be able to hold one more additional slot until I finish their active piece.
Additionally, if you want to hold a slot, you need to have a working concept.
This ensures that those who have at least somewhat of a concept ready are being served over those who are still thinking over what they want. 

Q: I see that Commission Club tier patrons get something called "tickets". How do those work?
A: Tickets are a percentage of your monthly pledge which is withheld as a sort of "credit" or "cash voucher" that can be used on commissions and YCHs.

The percentage changes slightly according to the tier in order to equalize the worth of each Commission Club tier. 
You can use these tickets to offset the cost of commissions or YCHs, or even cover the whole price if you have enough! 
Depending on your Commission Club tier, you'll receive a set amount of tickets on the first of each month. 
You can spend them as you receive them, or accumulate them toward bigger/more complex commissions such as colored comics and similar.
Q: So basically, if I'm part of a Commission Club tier, I can commission you any time AND I can use tickets (a portion of my pledge) to pay for said commissions?
A: That's correct.


Q: I want to be on the waiting list for a Commission Club tier. How do I get on it?
A: Email me your first and second tier preference: Squeakycommissions[at]gmail, and I'll put you on the waiting list.

When a tier opens up that fits your preference, I'll get in contact to see if you're still interested.

Q: How do I use my tickets or check how many I have?
A: I keep monthly totals available for you to view on my Patreon Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12MIEhHdz1EL5KfhhM8AKffWEJbcECfyzCBFHyBGBNnY/edit?usp=sharing
Ticket values are fixed according to the amount of your monthly pledge. 
You can redeem tickets toward a commission or YCH at the time of payment. Just let me know ahead of time that you'd like to pay for your commission or YCH with tickets, or use tickets to offset X-amount of cash.

Q: Commission Club tiers are expensive. I'll need to move down to a cheaper tier soon. What will happen to my benefits and tickets?
A: If/when you switch to any lower tiers, you won't lose tickets that you've previously accumulated. 
Tickets cannot be "exchanged back to me" for cash, unless there is a problem with your pledge (overcharged, etc.) and you need your pledge refunded. In the case of pledge refunds, I can only process refunds 2 months from the date of charge.
In the case of your tier benefits, you'll no longer have consistent access to commission slots if you leave the Commission Club tiers. If you have a commission slot that has been "held", you'll forfeit that slot hold upon leaving the Commission Club tiers.

If you have outstanding tickets after downgrading, you'd have to wait for regular commission openings or YCHs in order to use your tickets. I can't guarantee when regular commissions & patron-only YCHs will be open, but if I will announce these openings when appropriate.
* I recommend trying to spend your ticket balance before moving down if it's possible for you. I'm happy to work with you to help you spend tickets if you know when you'll be downgrading. No hard feelings! Just shoot me a message - if anything, I'm happy to receive a heads up so I can plan ahead.

** In the case of an emergency (job loss, etc.), I'm also happy to work with you to help you spend your ticket balance if that's what you'd like to do.

*** It's also completely okay if you come into the Commission Club with a previsualized "end" date. Example: "I plan to be in this tier for about 6 months to grab a couple commissions & offset those costs with some of my tickets, and then will downgrade."

^ This is totally fine - if you're upfront about an end date, I can better help you spend your ticket balance and get the most for your hard-earned money. If you know ahead of time, I much prefer knowing ahead of time as well!




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