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Hello everyone 😘

Please choose a character and I'll draw something special with the winner ❤❤❤ I removed Nessie and Karen because I'm currently working on something with them. I also removed Alice because he always wins :p

Have a great day!




Do you have any Idea how hard it is to choose just one...... Well you do most likely which is a big reason for these polls

Ichigo Kurosaki

Denizens of Lola’s Mom! Stay strong. One day we will see our voluptuous queen in the light. *sheds tear*

Gabriel Steele

I really want to see more of Valerie


These polls really need to be 4 characters or progressivley have options removed. I just wanna see Lola's mom! She's never gonna win over Natasha.


c'mon lolas mom, shes so close!


I feel like these pills should have less characters a mix them around each time. To me it seems like some characters need a chance to win