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Oh hey lewdies 😘

Alison joigned David on the balcony after the party to have a pleasant talk together

Do you know what I love the most as an artist? Drawing my characters interacting together, talking, smiling, joking, teasing, blushing, (moaning), having good times, having bad times, ... and coming to life ❤ I can almost feel the cold wind on my skin, on this balcony.

Also, the last stories involving David have so many comments, it's crazy. Thank you for being invested that much in my universe.

I hope you have a good day :3


Previous part: https://lewdua.blogspot.com/2021/04/hanging-out-with-natasha.html




My man David is finally getting involved in the action! I'm rooting for this dude 😄 He seems up for the challenge!


Let's go!!! What if Natasha is waiting in there as well!! #SaintDavid


About time lol and can't wait to see more

Tom Tomm

Happy for our boi


Hot and Simple. That guy need to get a pair of balls if he’s gonna hang around the girls lol.

Julian Fratzscher

I first thought thats a counter he is sitting at. A balcony makes more sense.

Ghost Raikage

dude worried about having to suck some dicks not realizing that every girl there and even Alice wants to suck his lmfao




David stoped being a pussy so now he gets some so easy


Tasha waiting like "took you long enough" lol


The sequel tension is worth the wait! Bring it!!


Alright David, let's see what your working with


The moment of truth!


Yes Lord! Get all up in her guts!!!


Wow didn't see that coming.


Yeeees finallay!


Oh my, finally David’s turn!


Haha, Its because you made him enigmatic, he's this island of calm in a sea of horny girls. And also I love how your characters do have personality, you do excellent smut but it's nice to have smut with some heart too ♥️


great story. really like this episode. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Suggested plot twist: David being FtoM


is eh not my slice of cake.

Daniel Drew

Yaaay!! XD and of course we love your work! You’ve crafted an amazing world with brilliant characters! : )

Kenneth W. Head Jr.

You are amazing!! You are more than just an artist and that’s extraordinary in it of itself . The way you tell your stories is not a lot of dialogue but , like you said, the facial expressions , both extreme or subtle, give me a complete story picture. You are setting the bar so high !!

Kenneth W. Head Jr.

Just a side note: I was just as erotically pleased with this installment featuring David and Alison because of the strong subtlety and expressions. Your power of suggestions is impeccable

Kota D

Alison is probably my favorite character in this story. It might be me, but she seems to have that kind of stance where she seems to take charge of a room and she is cool about. Am I wrong on this?


Just noticed David’s drink is empty in the last pic. Nice subtle touch — shows he downed some liquid courage before following Alison, and it might’ve ruined the mood and flow of the scene if you’d included a pic of him drinking it. Wonderful art and storytelling as always, Lewdua.💕