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Pamela helped Lola for hours, and slowly forgot about the lewd nature of her work.

Hey lewdies,

It’s been a long time I haven’t made an animation. This time I motivated myself using a different software because I love learning new things :3 I really loved the “triple dick” idea and play with the possibilities. I hope the moves don’t look too bad, I’m still learning <3

Have a great day!

Previous post: https://lewdua.com/2020/01/02/working-together-lola-and-pamela/




Great job it looks very good to me. The animation is smooth and clean and I say you should be proud of yourself especially since have not done this in awhile.


I am super impressed that you added the subtle twist of the wrist while going up and down as any good hand job requires.


Every time you post I change my mind about who my favorite couple is! LOL! This is awesome!

Michael Arias

Love this. Hope we get a story of this soon too!!



Daniel Drew

Well that looks amazing! ^__^ 👏


wow! nice work!