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Out of curiosity, what would you prefer from me?

Imo I like to alternate, depends of my mood :3

Have a good day!



Honestly I can't answer that because your posting perfectly imo


Mostly whatever makes you happy. Art isn't always something you can turn on or off. We all love when you put big stuff every day but that's not always gonna work.


I don't care, just keep up the work m8

Antonio Martinez

I like smaller bits more regularly, I'd love to have a regular one page schedule for your comics and stories but find out what works best for you. Keep up the good work!


Personnaly, I'd like to have more illustrations, or old works in their original sizes (because I love having wallpapers from artists I like).


As a lore master I must say that the patience is almost always worth it.


When you're the hottest, most sexiest artist on the internets, you can do whatever you like.

Draven Shadow

I say do as you feel best doing. I love all of your work so the pace that works best for you is fine with me. 🙂


You do you, I want you to draw and post whatever you want whenever you want. So young artist of futas, let the creativity flow through you.


You should have a third option that's like I'm happy with what your doing. I would click that one.


Need a "Worship Nessies Balls" option. lol


Whatever works for you. The longer story stuff is great, but hardly a necessity.


Honestly I like it the way it is, bigger stories sound cool but do what works for you! I love your art!

Daniel Drew

Your art is worth the wait! So, whenever you’re ready to show whatever you’ve finished in good time, we’ll happily accept waiting!


I didn't vote because you have to do what makes you happy. Do what you're passionate about. That's what makes your stories so good! And they ARE good!

Jack Jagger

Like most others, I'd like you to do what makes you happy. It's your choice, so I won't weigh in either way.