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 Hey lewdies <3

Karen suggested a bit of fun to Nessie this weekend, since she was bad with Alison lately.

So I continued this little story. It’s of course SFW but I really want to develop more the characters and their relationships between lewd scenes. I’m still working on the next scenes, and I’m not totally sure or confident about what’s going to happen. Anyway, I live to experiment so … you’ll see :p I hope you like it!

Previous post: https://lewdua.com/2019/11/11/homework-nessie-and-karen/




Good to know Karen and Nessie are Daft Punk fans.


This made me happy


YES! That's it! Thank you! I recognized the lyrics, I knew that I knew where they came from, but the actual song just wouldn't click in my brain and it was bugging me to no end.


Great stuff! You've really brought a full picture to these characters. I'm looking forward to your next installments.


Love it! Very cute.


I really love how your art has evolved over the time I've been following you!

Owen Perez

Very nice to see the expanded lives of your characters. The sketches do a great job of suggesting their feelings.


Oh lala! how scandalous!