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Sorry, but there won't a chapter today. I'm currently working as an intern which takes up a lot of my time. One of the tasks due tonight ended up taking a lot more time than I thought, and I'm stuck against the clock. I'm staying at work until I'm done, and I'll probably keep going when I come home if it's too late for me to stay and I haven't finished.

So, yeah, I don't have time to write anything today. Sorry about that, I guess. I'm a bit surprised that I was able to be this consistent while I have my internship, to be honest.

With that out of the way, I wanted to know if any of you had suggestions about what I should do in the HYDRA arc and the Asgard arc, or anything really.

Again, thank you for your support,




Personally, I would say that an Asgard strongest is in Jasmine's interest, so avoid its destruction... Regarding Hydra, coming to say hello to Fury and etc could be interesting. Go through the AOS series could also be interesting, see Skye trying to hack the AI and etc... During the fall of the Shield many artifacts are put up for sale so some must be dangerous... The sword exists in the MCU so keep an eye out for them too...

Sam Winchester

What are you interning at? Marketing, comp sci, etc?


I can wait author sama. Take all the time you need


Data Science ( a branch of computer science). I like it and it's interesting but it can frustrate the hell out of you sometimes

Sam Winchester

I did computer information systems general track, which is basically Jack of trades. I was wondering how difficult is data science?


If I'm completely honest, it isn't that difficult because you don't have to understand the machine learning algorithms, only learn how to use them. It can be intimidating when you get started but after your first project you should be able to handle pretty much everything. It's different if you're planning to study it academically, like get a Master's degree or a PhD in Data Science. You'll need a very thorough understanding of the most popular algorithms, and that means that you'll need to high level maths (a bit of calculus, some statistics and linear algebra)