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Thank you guys for your well wishes, you're amazing. And well, while I wish I could tell you that all is well, I kinda ended up getting COVID. Yeah, not my best month. I ended up causing some complications with my previous surgery. Nothing really dangerous, don't worry, but I'll probably have to go through another one, something I'm really not happy with. Nothing is certain until certain tests results are up and even then, I'll have to wait until I'm recovered from COVID before doing anything. I started writing to keep my mind of it, now that some of the pain from the surgery is gone.

Either way, I already uploaded the chapter I wrote so if you haven't seen it yet, fell free to check it out



Glad you're doing better!!


f**k COVID

Sam Winchester

Don't worry, just rest and recover your health.

Third Bethany

Thanks for the update get some rest and get better


I hope you get some rest and recover quickly. Your writing is great btw. Just wanted to mention that.


take care of you author you are the god of your universe(your fanfic) the covid cant beat you. i want your next masterpierce( next chapter)


Hope you get better soon as healthtyly possible