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Well, I definitely didn't expect this anytime soon but we have reached all of the goals. Tbh I didn't see that coming and you did all of that in less than a month. So, let's be honest, I can't physically do all of it. Yeah, I know it's bad that I said I could and didn't but I expected to reach one of these goals a month and that was me being very optimistic.

So, yeah, I still want to write more but not this much. I'm also sorry that I can't do the daily upload week, next week. A lot of deadlines got changed and I ended up with no christmas or new years vacation (Which I planned on writing) so yeah, I hate to go back on my word but my education is important and I need to work on it, at least until finals are done. Don’t worry I will keep uploading the chapters with the same upload schedule. So I'm writing a new chapter tomorrow and will continue with 4 chapters a week until the end of the month.

On better news, I'm gonna try to do the daily chapter month. Starting from the 4th or 5th of January, I will do my best to upload a chapter every day. I'll try to be as consistent as I can.

Your support has been amazing guys, really thank you...



Aww, irl is bitch now and then


Welp you do what you gotta do


Does this mean no chappies this month anymore?


Nah I’ll continue normally there just isn’t gonna be the daily upload week


It’s alright things happen and 9 times out of 10 it can take years before goals on this site can be met. You just happened to have a big following from before you set this up. We can wait for when you have time to write.


Don’t worry just do what you can we love this book just don’t burn out