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Hey everyone! After a bunch of debate with myself, I've made a decision regarding the monthly art club packages:

Previously, I offered every-other-month shipping as an option for international folk to help cut down costs on shipping (for both ends, since some countries charge an international delivery fee). Starting with the February designs this month, ALL packages will be shipped out every other month. I wondered if this was the right decision to make, but I think it's what's best for me at the moment.

Of course, you all know about Moe's health scare recently. That's definitely a contributing factor, but another thing happening in my life is that me and my family are going to move states next year. You might know that I currently live in Forida, but I'm originally from New York. We've all wanted to move back for quite some time, and that time finally came to start planning the move. While moving states is expensive, it's honestly the best decision for me and my family; those of you in America know the cost of living has gone up a LOT over the past few years, and truth be told Florida is becoming pretty unlivable for us. New York is much kinder in terms of living costs, so we'll be making that move next April. That said, we need to save as much money as we can right now, and shipping packages out every other month instead of every month will help a LOT, since I can sometimes spend over $300 USD in shipping labels depending on how many patrons I have that month.

This change in shipping will also affect those of you who only join for a single month; you will only get the prints and stickers for the month you were charged for, but they may or may not be shipped out quickly depending on when in the shipping schedule you join (I'll type out my planned schedule at the end of this post; this post will also be pinned for you to reference any time). If you only join for a single month and don't get your goodies within a month (if you're in the US) or longer (if you're outside the US), then that means you joined during a month I won't be shipping out any packages. You will still get everything you were charged for.

I'll be doing my very best to keep track of who was charged for what month, so please don't worry about that! If at any point you have questions (or don't recieve a print and sticker set you were charged for despite my best efforts), feel free to comment or message me here on patreon, or you can send me an email.  I plan on having this change remain active for all of 2024 and the start of 2025; after that, it may remain active for a little while longer depending how how quickly we're able to settle in New York. I'll definitely let you all know exactly how long this will be active in 2025 when we get there.

You're all always so supportive of me, and I'm forever grateful for it. Please don't heasitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns! ❤️


February and March packages will be shipped out early April

April and May packages will be shipped out early June

June and July packages will be shipped out early August

August and September packages will be shipped out early October

October and November packages will be shipped out early December

December and January 2025 packages will be shipped out early February 2025

February 2025 packages and onwards will be announced at a future date


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