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A lot of you ask me about comic making advice, but I'm not super comfotable giving it since I'm still so inexperienced. And while I still have a lot to learn in terms of comic making, I learned a lot making the first chapter. I'm not ready to give in depth advice about making a comic, but I thought comparing my old pages to my new ones was a good way to share what I learned!

Since all of the characters got and updated look since the first draft of chapter one, I had to go back and change every single page to match their new designs. I didn't want to share each and every page though, since the ones I didn't include was just changing the clothes. Given that I already shared all the new wips, I thought sharing each old page was redundant.

If there's anything else you're curious about concerning the making of chapter 1, let me know and I'll be happy to talk about it! I'll be pretty busy over the next few days, but when I get a slow day I'm planning on sharing old concept art about the comic (some of which date back to 2018ish)




you've improved so much omg. In the final result, you couldn't really notice that many changes in your art, but the wips do really show!! I specially like how your faces improved, they look so much better now!