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The things I would let this man do to me

I was originally planning on having this be a stand alone drawing, but now I'm debating on making it a part of a set; I might make some of Irida, Volo, and Akari, but we'll see what actually happens lmao. I think it's the adhd that makes me want o make big drawings like this that's a part of a set, because I get REALLY excited and motivated and inspired for it suddenly, I finish maybe one, and then I loose all motivation and forget about it completely jadjkkd




That perspective is so nice; your style is so pretty.


I feel like this drawing shows how much you have improved with faces!!! I have no idea who he is or what he is from other then the basics but he looks very Asian? idk if thats rude lol. you look like you can draw more nationalities now hehe