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Normally I'd be like "I need to stop making new stories smh" but honestly, working on this new concept has been helping me feel a bit more motivated to create again. It might be because this one is basically a metaphore about coping with trauma but let's not look into that too much lmao.

So, I'd like you all to meet Yuna! I've been having a lot of fun thinking about how her story and world works, and I'm excited to talk about it more. I plan on sharing her story on youtube when I iron out more of the details and make the other main character (who's currently only a concept I've yet to draw). But I wanted Yuna's first introduction to be here on patreon, so here they are! I'll probably do the same thing with the other character once I actually make him, and I'll go more in depth with their story then. Until that time comes, I hope you like Yuna as much as I do!




I LOVE her!!! They are so cute ;_;


Is she the protagonist of the story?


Yup! There's three main characters, but she's the protagonist. The story centers a lot around them learning to control their magic and emotions and such. I can't wait to share more of her story!!!