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Sorry for not posting much recently. I'm in the middle of rearranging my room.

1. Miku-nyan video

Intro sample on thursday.
Full RAW video on weekend.
I'll also try to post the text version over weekend.

Winner of the first poll.
This video is a part of the "Daily Life Of Miku And Master" series

2. Shinobu NTR

Intro sample next week.
Full RAW video by the end of July.
Text version - July/early August.

This video will be split into few parts. (cuz, you can't rush NTR).

I'm still not done, with the story for Part 1.(Still need corrections, and changes).

3. Shalltear - Finished Model

I'll finish her overnight, and show her tomorrow, with a sample animation.

4. August Polls, and Videos

1st voting for the August video starts on friday.

2nd voting will be a re-run. (2nd and 3rd places from previous votings)
This video will be 100% Exclusive for Patreon (cuz We need some exclusive stuff).

I'll also post additional questions, like this one


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