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Hello and Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a safe and fun holiday season!

I want to share some WIP stuff (above) that I've been working on and talk a bit about the current state of the fanart poll.

Needless to say, I've fallen way behind with fanart stuff. I don't want to up and quit something just because I'm having a hard time, but I do need to take a break from it for a bit to get caught up.

The plan for the poll is as such:
-This month's poll will be the last fanart poll for at least 2 months. So no polls come February and March, possibly more if I am not caught up and comfortable by then.
-After the winner of this month's poll is decided I will be deleting the $5 tier to prevent new subs. I will DM those of you in this tier so you can adjust your pledge accordingly.
-I will be keeping all info related to the polls for when I start it up again, remaking the tier as well when the poll is back.

Just to clarify, I'm still going to draw during these months, working on and posting the current backlogged winners, I'm just taking a break from starting new polls.

I look forward to working with you all in 2022, thank you!




Again the WIPs look excellent, I wish there were enough time and creative energy available for you to take all of the test poses to completion. Looking forward to seeing how they turn out.