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I hope you've been doing well and I apologize for how silent I have been the last 2~ months!

TLDR: I had some brain problems but I think I'm okay. Gonna pause next months billing cycle to catch up and I'll be holding last month and this month's polls still as everyone was billed for them! Melony is done and the finished piece + WIPs will go up after this update. I will also be taking character submissions for the polls. Thank you!

On the 23rd of July I woke up feeling really dizzy and disoriented, no pain, nausea nor fever, but the inability to sit up-right and look at a screen or even read without it getting unbearable. I tried to ignore it until the 27th when I finally called a nurseline to see if I should go to the ER to which they said yes. So I go and they take blood and urine samples, they do 2 types of CT scans on my neck and head and after waiting while hooked up to an IV drip the tests come back all negative for anything unusual. The doctor says he has to discharge me despite my persisting symptoms and says I need to be referred to a specialist through my primary care provider specifically a neurologist and an optometrist. I called my PCP the next day to schedule an appointment and I am STILL waiting to see my doctor and to get a referral to said specialists, my appointment isn't until the 28th. As frustrating as this is I have been getting WAY better since then despite the occasional headache and the "regular" ocular migraine. If my symptoms somehow get worse I can go to a different, better equipped ER, but thankfully they have not.

Needless to say, this happened when I wanted to pause patreon to catch up with how behind I had fallen however at the request of the doctor I saw he said to "stay away from screens and sleep as much as possible" which I would do anyway given how much it sucked to stay awake. Maybe it was a silent migraine, or possibly something eye related, but I won't know for sure until I can see a specialist.  

My game plan now is to pause next month's billing cycle, hold June and July's polls and get caught up. I apologize again to those of you who were waiting patiently last month and never got to participate in the poll. I considered issuing refunds but I figured doing the art that everyone is expecting is a better path to take. Thank you!



Hope you're well Funk, take care of urself! : ^)


Thanks buddy! I still have a bit of dizziness but I have gotten a lot better! I'll update everyone once I can get more info on my ailments as well.

Christopher Christian

All good glad everything is okay, always take of yourself.


Please get well soon man!! 🙏🏻✨


Its no problem. You need to take care of you first. I hope you get better soon. Rest up and take it easy, looking forward to a full recovery 😁


I’m pulling for you my dude 👍


Wishing you well. Really hoping your health recovers soon.


Please put yourself above everything else and take care. Stay safe out there. LOVE YOUR THIQQ WOMEN!


Welcome back boss!!


Health is tough :| Sounds scary, but I hope you're able to deal with it. Take care of yourself.


Holy... so sorry you had to go through this. But glad to hear you're okay now. Seriously though, take your time, no one here is going to rush you.


Glad to hear you aren't dead, was starting to worry there for a minute.


Catch up with your health first, my man. And hey, maybe get a secretary to help with screens ;)

chrome moonlight

Hope you get better soon, please take all the time you need!


Maybe the summer heat caused you to feel unwell, this condition is often observed in people during the hot season. I hope you will be okay!


Take care of your health funk! i dont mind if next month billing didnt get halted