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If you are wondering about commission status, I am still closed at the moment. After I finished Fran I decided to take a VERY small batch of commissions (5 slots) as a sort of test run and because of the size of the batch I didn't open publicly. I didn't want to tell people to go through the google forms process, sort through however many forms, and send out email responses when I could just DM someone I know directly and save EVERYONE a ton of time and hassle.  

I honestly feel bad about taking commissions without opening publicly as it feels like I have slighted those of you who have been waiting, but I hope you understand that this is not something personal, It's just to be sure I can handle the workload. Last time I did commissions I got really burnt out, and I never want that to happen again.

Maybe I am overthinking this, but regardless I appreciate your support and your patience!


Gespenst Azurite

gotta maintain tht “work/life” balance funk. do wht ya gotta do


Do you accept payment in kidneys or first born?


its thanksgiving funk stop working and start familying or eating bird meat


I wouldn't feel too bad about figuring out what kind of workload you can handle. It beats overpromising and feeling burdened by too much work.


could make a list of people you've commed before and are known to be good commissioners and like hit them up at set dates to contact them to arrange dates to do coms.


That's perfectly fine with me bud. I've waited years for a slot, I can wait a good while longer.


It is something to consider. One of the worst parts of opening commissions is sorting through and handling the correspondence side of it.