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Some of the various stages/sketches/roughs/workflow for the commissions I've completed that have been requested! There would be far more, as I usually have to do multiple iterations before I am happy with it, but I usually do not save this sort of stuff, sorry!!

-When I start an image I begin with a silhouette or vague form and erase some parts as a guideline. The blue and the beige silhouettes are an example of this.

-Next I will rough in some kind of sketch on top of the silhouette, focusing on anatomical structure and proportion.

-From there I'll rough in the most relevant details, the parts that the commissioner wants to see and that matter most to distinguishing the character. Examples of this include: the facial expression, clothing, weaponry, hands/feet, hair, etcetc. This is hands down the most frustrating and necessary part of the piece as it is where problems are illuminated and poses are broken often resulting in an overhaul of what I am working on. It is a huge time sink for me, but I am unsure how to work otherwise to reach the same results. At the end of this point in my workflow, the "sketch" is done and ready to be lined and colored (which is a whole other section of nonsense).

This has been my workflow for quite some time, and while it may seem overly complicated or... anal... I've realized that it gives me the best results! Sorry for the wall of text and I hope this has been somewhat interesting to you!! Thank you!!




thank you