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在之前的 v6.1 版本中,我們新增了翻譯模式,讓用戶可以隨時翻譯字幕的單字和短句,其後,我們又加入了發音功能(但是這個功能暫時未有用戶使用過,如果無法使用,請務必告訴我😖)。

這次 v6.6,我們加入了收藏功能,讓用戶可以收藏這些單字和短句。另外,我們也制作了一個 Flashcard 程式,讓你可以隨時隨地進行學習,由於它是網頁版的,因此不需要安裝任何軟件即能使用。詳情大家可以查詢以下連結:

學習模式(v6.6) | Netflix Bilingual Subtitles (netflixsubs.app)


現在學習模式和 Flashcard 功能仍處於開發階段,功能可能不齊全或遇到不少錯誤,我們會把它們逐步完善的,再一次感謝大家的支持。


在之前的 v6.1 版本中,我们新增了翻译模式,让用户可以随时翻译字幕的单词和短句,其后,我们又加入了发音功能(但是这个功能暂时未有用户使用过,如果无法使用,请务必告诉我😖)。

这次 v6.6,我们加入了收藏功能,让用户可以收藏这些单词和短句。另外,我们也制作了一个 Flashcard 程序,让你可以随时随地进行学习,由于它是网页版的,因此不需要安装任何软件即能使用。详情大家可以查询以下链接: 

学习模式(v6.6) | Netflix Bilingual Subtitles (netflixsubs.app)


现在学习模式和 Flashcard 功能仍处于开发阶段,功能可能不齐全或遇到不少错误,我们会把它们逐步完善的,再一次感谢大家的支持。

Hello everyone,

In the previous version v6.1, we introduced the translation mode, allowing users to translate words and short sentences in subtitles at any time. Subsequently, we added a pronunciation feature (though it hasn't been utilized by users yet; if you encounter any issues using it, please let us know 😖).

In this latest version v6.6, we've included a bookmarking feature, enabling users to save these words and short sentences. Additionally, we've developed a Flashcard program that allows you to study anytime, anywhere. As it's a web-based application, there's no need to install any software. For more details, you can refer to the following link:

Learning Mode (v6.6) | Netflix Bilingual Subtitles (netflixsubs.app)

Furthermore, what may cause inconvenience is that using the bookmark feature will require you to log in again. This is because the bookmark function involves accessing a database, and we need a new authentication token through login to access it. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The learning mode and Flashcard function are still in the development phase, so they might not be fully functional or might encounter errors. We're continuously working to improve them. Once again, we thank you for your support.


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