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我把 Safari 的安裝教學及安裝檔放在以下文檔,以後也會同步更新。

How to Use in Safari | Netflix Bilingual Subtitles

另外,我做了一個簡單的 Youtube 雙語字幕手機版,它不需要安裝插件,也能在手機的瀏覽器上使用,現時版本功能不多,而且需要把影片連結複製到網頁上,大家有興趣可以試試:

Playground | Netflix Bilingual Subtitles

Hello everyone,

I have documented the installation guide and installation files for Safari below, which will be regularly updated。

How to Use in Safari | Netflix Bilingual Subtitles

Additionally, I have created a simple mobile version of YouTube bilingual subtitles. It doesn't require any plugin installation and can be used on mobile browsers. Its primary drawbacks are limited functionality and the need to copy the video link to a web page. If you're interested, feel free to give it a try:

Playground | Netflix Bilingual Subtitles


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