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十分感謝大家的支持。我們剛剛發佈了版本 5.6 的更新,這次更新主要支援了日語文字的轉換(平假名, 片假名, 羅馬字)。這個功能預設為啟用,所以各位只要更新了, 應該就能看到該轉換,如果不想使用,也可以前往"設定"把它關閉。

- 此功能暫時只支援 Chrome 和 Edge 瀏覽器,Firefox 和 Safari 的支援需要另行通知
- 此功能只能在文字模式使用

Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for your support. We have just released version 5.6 update, and this update primarily includes support for Japanese text conversion (Hiragana, Katakana, Romaji). This feature is enabled by default, so once you update, you should be able to see this conversion. If you do not wish to use it, you can also go to "Settings" and turn it off.

- Please note that the above feature is currently supported only in Chrome and Edge browsers. Support for Firefox and Safari will be announced later.
- This feature can only be used in text mode


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