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  • parasaur cinematic_so far_1536-2279.mp4
  • raptor moneyshot_wip2_4000-4620.mp4



I forgot to post about these! The final renders for this shot are done and I've attached that part below. I think it turned out pretty good, still not entirely happy with how the motion looks but it's good enough... I just worry that it might be too jerky or unnatural, I'm still trying to figure out a balance between realism and exaggeration for motion

The renders themselves turned out nice, I'm pretty happy with things visually!

The next shot that I've been working on getting ready for simulation and stuff is the money shot- 

First, I did some testing blind. I just keyframed my fluid objects thinking "this might work" and it looked cool but too crazy for the beginning part.

That's more like what it should look like when he's actually nutting! :p

So I toned it way down for the beginning but ran into some issues with how fast the mesh is moving...

I like to use an animated inflow and control the velocity of the fluid with how fast the inflow mesh itself is moving but this method doesn't work well (it seems) when the mesh the fluid is coming out of is moving so fast.

So I just let the sphere emitter do the work, that works a lot better on fast moving stuff (it seems)

Besides that though like... I tried a few different ideas for this scene, to make it a bit more interesting, like I prototyped a bit where he gets some nut on the door and is like "oh crap!" and moves away to nut on the floor instead. But it wasn't looking too good and I didn't want someone being like "it's too twitchy/jerky" because I'm trying to avoid that- if that's a criticism, then it's a problem of me not being able to properly convey the style/idea. 

Like if anyone is getting their boner killed because the animation is bad, then I need to either step it up or simplify it a bit... and for the sake of time, I figure it's probably better to keep it simple in this case. Just meat squirting juices, nothing too fancy. Less is truly more sometimes.

Like you can't go wrong with showing meat squirting, that's what I've always said anyway.

I've attached a wip bit of Taylor's money shot (the 2nd half of it is much much more WIP so it looks pretty rough and bad at the moment)



Kento The Fox

It's been so long I can't wait till it's over I'm super excited


I love cumming on doorknobs uwu