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  • lube drink scene_4763-5952.mp4



I ended up expanding this bit quite a few times, I kept needing more and more seconds to like... do this justice! I wanted it to be like this really hot foreshadowing, the pig is watching the hole that's about to swallow him guzzle gallons of hungry donut lube, so eagerly it sucks the whole bottle in! And he drains it by clenching his hole it spits out the empty container.

(Like even more foreshadowy since the container literally has a pig and a donut on it)

(and to be clear that isn't AI generated, the more I look at this it looks like some janky AI generated schlock but it's completely human made janky 3d quick modeling)

I think it'll so cool, seeing the bottle emerge, covered in slipper lube... (hopefully I can get the fluids to convey this idea to it's fullest potential)

Somewhere in here there should be shot of the pig's face, in awe at it the display before him.

I've attached the lube drinking part and the tail grabbing the lube part and the dragon turn around part. For a couple days, this one shot was stumping me... I kept fiddling with it and I had some reference of this guy riding a horse and making it spin in circles. That didn't help much because the motion had too many steps. I didn't want his to be a very steppy motion- I wanted it to be one smooth action, he turns out and then his donut pops out from being under the pressure of his cheeks as he turns.

In a bit I'll be posting about the fluids I've been baking for the parasaur toying solo and animation (took a bit but I got all the dynamics finalized and the final fluid bake for the tail hole fluids has been going the last couple days but unfortunately I messed up on some settings so I had to re-start the bake...) Here's a particularly nice bit from when I testing some bakes;

Extremely sorry everything has been taking forever... I didn't expect the fluids to take forever to have ready to bake but I did a lot of tweaking, making specific shapes/objects for stuff and it ended up becoming a pretty complex sim.

Probably more complex than it needed to be but fingers crossed it'll be worth it.

At this point, the vore animation is ~4 minutes, 18 seconds so... it's blown up a lot more than I was thinking. But man... I just can't not make it short, like the tailhole drinking lube scene? It's WIP, still needs plenty of work (and probably a good deal of further adjustment when it gets down to fluid time) but I think that it's going to be bonkers good (if I can execute to be bonkers good that is!)




Dragon Donut Jumpscare!


im always happy to wait for your animations <3 plus I love to see the process of your work, it's super fascinating


Ugh love love love this. I feel like the sheer quantity of liquids you usually have coming out of buttholes kinds blocks the view inside of a hood gape xwx this little progress shot with an unobstructed view of that hole gaping open before the prey is crazy man HUFF


I agree actually, I should do more gape stuff. Maybe that'd be a good idea for a short, no/low fluid animation, just a gaping hole.