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  • s3_finals_1142-3491.mp4
  • gh_renders_sofar_0000-3491.mp4



Finally, all the renders for this scene are done! There's a few errors on my part- I had to add a lattice to the dragon's tail hair to prevent it from clipping through the wall. I only turned it on when it looks like it needed it, but there were a few parts that needed it where it's turned off. So those need to be re-rendered.

Also his tongue clips through his bottom lip(beak? whatever triceratops have on the tips of the snouts) which I could have sworn looked file while doing that part of the animation, but needs some fixing.

If you just ignore the hair clipping, I'm extremely happy with how the taking off shirt part looks, finally rendered, with motion blur, the shading, the soft bodies on his chest, even if it's a bit exaggerated but muscle-y chests can jiggle a good bit too. And arms (it's subtle, but the upper arm has a tiny bit of jiggle to it!)

That's actually probably my favorite thing I've ever animated because it's a character removing an article of clothing- something notoriously difficult in CG. And it actually looks pretty dang good all things considered.

I've attached the renders with the clipping spots though. I'll get them fixed after this post though.

Also, I have been re-doing the fluids for the next scene! There's still a lot more of it to check (and then... the dreaded baking times for the whole thing -_-) but it's coming along.

I'm in a bit of fluid sim hell right now. The egg laying thing needs fluids to be ready to render (been working on that too), the double-ended thing will need fluids, the other things will need fluids... some deadly serious CPU hardware for fluids is certainly on the list of things to invest in at some point!

Also, I'm attaching the renders so far. That way you (and I) can have an idea of how everything vibes together, visually.




You. Just please just keep do what you do


All so delicious


the new renders are freaking phenomenal!! thanks so much for taking so much time to polish up the details, your art is always such a joy to see 💖💖💖


Awesome, so this is finally done? Edit- My fault I skimmed some of the reading but dude, this is coming together nicely, really glad I found you and decided to become your patron.


It's a beak btw

White husky

Dude... These renders are fucking amazing. All the detail not just on the characters but the environment as well. Holy shit


I really love the ass-to-mouth section. I'm glad it's got some weight to the interaction rather than timid tentative licks~<3