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  • animatic_updatedagain_3_4365-5496.mp4



I've been trying to get more hyped about the glamor hole thing, but it's been a bit difficult because it's a lot more of the same. I was also thinking it'd be more tedious getting things a bit more polished but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 

In the attachment, I've posted three short scenes that come after the dragon [cu]mm[ing] scene (goes back to showing the triceratops's side, then the dragons, then the triceratops as he's finishing up).

I'm extremely sorry I've been pretty slow with the progress on this animation- it's difficult to feel energized about polishing up the characters in the same position, smashing, for many, many frames.

Still determined to finish it of course, but in any longer form project there's going to be boring parts that need to get done. Since I've been working on the scenes in order lately, it's been tons of same-y stuff. But finally, I'm getting to the more dynamic stuff near the end of the animation.

Still baking the bronto's fluids for the bowl boys animation, it's been taking a long time for the pre squirting part though. At some point, the simulator had something like 130 hours estimated time for the sim to finish, but it goes up/down (now it's saying 33 hours, at 75% finished)

I don't think I'll be re simulating the raptor's fluids since though.




Pogg My opinion your work is worth the wait

ana bitch

Bro every masterpiece need effort Take your time chief big love🤍