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  • GH_otherside_triceratops jiggle_final shirt bake i hope_4030-6380.mp4



Finally, I'm ready to call this "done" after a lot of messing with the damn shirt, lots of corrective lattices and such to fix clipping stuff that were too tedious to try avoiding through the simulation.

I thought I had it done (the shirt before him taking it off) but I had to begrudgingly rebake it after adding in the soft bodies for the triceratops. His chest was clipping too much (there's a very light jiggle on the chest, more of a muscle-type jiggle than a fatty type jiggle)

I also ended up animating the [d]i[ck] and balls manually, instead of using a combo of physics and hand animation. The motion was just too crazy to get results from the bone dynamics that made sense! I was fun though, like doing the part where the dong flops straight up as he stumbles back was a joy. (Thankfully, there's not much floppy dong action on screen, otherwise it would have been a nightmare)

Of course, the dragon has soft bodies! I was *really* dreading this because I thought that the soft body interacting with the hole's collision would be all buggy and awful, but actually this was the nicest part because it just works. First try baking it, it worked exactly how it should. So that was extremely nice.

So there's going to be fluids, in what capacity I'm not sure yet because what I'd like to do might take a long time (go all out, some pre-slinging, plenty of juice from the butt [that dragon ass is extremely lubed up, self lubricating???]. some [j][izz] here and there)

What takes the longest on these kinds of scenes isn't so much the manually animated stuff, but coercing sims to do what you want (gotta say it's a lot easier to get your sim to do what you want in The Sims as opposed to 3d animation)

But in any case, I'm ready to tackle the next scene's motion while testing fluids for this scene (which shows the dragon getting smashed). That'll be really neat because there should be some sinfully delicious dragon jiggling which I'm looking forward to seeing :p also, there will be the dragon's squirty/shooty fluid sim which I can't wait to revisit.

In the future though, remind me to not simulate close to 2000 frames of a cloth sim on a character in a continuous shot.




omg, his stumbly body language is so cute??????


This is gonna be so gooood!!!!!