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I was on the fence about animating a character for the bathroom hole follow up. But I figured it could be fun to make a big hunky virgin dino guy for this, and cut between the stall with the dragon and the stall with the dino. I was thinking it would be fun to do either a triceratops or a parasaur, but I can't decide which one. I think a parasaur would be a lot of fun to do, I haven't modeled one of those, but triceratops are also very interesting to model, due to their very weird but charming head...


Wdw Wdw

Definitely looking forward to this :)


I think the triceratops would have some awkward camra angles


considering how meek/nervous he sounded, i would think parasaur. Either way its gonna be awesome.


I like Parasaur because they are kinda cute and very under presented. :-)


oooo cant wait! your art work is always so magnificent!

White husky

I agree i think the parasaur would be more interesting along with how they look they would fit the voice behind it very well. Plus i think they are a bit more rare


I think the parasaur would fit the current voice better, but I'm really considering having a voice actor do it and not me doing a dumb voice so it can be one more fitting a triceratops guy :p


Yeah there are barely any parasaurs in furry art, but it seems like triceratops will be the winner. Still want to make the parasaur at some point though!


Thank you! I would agree parasaur is more fitting for the goofy voice, but triceratops is in demand it seems. Still really want to make a parasaur at some point in the future though.


That's an important consideration, but I think I can make it work. One awkward thing too is the horns/crown part, so the head is a bit more limited than usual when it's close to a wall, but it shouldn't be too bad to deal with.