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  • Kobold Topping Fluids Preview Vt 0000-2600mp4.mp4
  • Kobold Topping Fluids Preview1 1589-1720mp4.mp4



More fluids. There's like, 16 different alembics that happen in various places-

I've included a viewport render with the fluids- I'll do a prettier viewport render soonish. I forgot to do *one more* [ji]zzim shot around 2169- she pulls out, then goes back inside again (like in the header) before the bigger shot near the end.

Also, I do have a nice update on the voice acting side of things! The VA I commissioned to do her voice for the solo animation sent me her first take back and it's really quite lovely! Before showing it, I'd like to animate it a bit of it first, but I think you're really gonna like it~

Also also, this topping animation *might* have VA too- I discussed that with her as well, but it all depends on how well I can squeeze it into the animation now without having to change too much, at least for the bodies since I have so much fluids already baked... But I'll at least have the finished animation with jiggle and fluids done before the end of the month.

I apologize it's taken a bit to have this one animation done... the fluids were really a pain to figure out and took longer than I thought, but I think that I have a pretty good understanding of how to do the fluids I'd like properly (which should help with avoiding a ton of trial and error next time).

Below are two attachments- one of the prettier viewport of the fluids, one of the full animation with most fluids (but uglier preview). Also in the full one, I forgot to turn off one of the alembics after it was done playing so there's a white speck floating around in space that never goes away at some point. That'll be gone in the final thing!
